
Showing posts from June, 2023

Week 3 Discussion (Technology Integrated Matrix -TIM)

  Required reading:  Click on the link to view the required reading  Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)     Explain the Technology Integrated Matrix (TIM). Write your example of a technology-enabled experience in your classroom. It can be anything you think of, from past teaching experiences to future plans. What aspects of the TIM would you consider? After watching the video and required reading, in 300 words, reply to the discussion question by typing your response underneath the comments prompt and providing your original comment. Use at least ONE in-text citation (APA) to corroborate your points. In 100 words, respond to the posts of at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the initial response. Your first post is due on Mondays by 11:55pm. You are required to respond to your peers by Thursday at 11:55pm. 

Week 2 Discussion ( Digital Citizenship)

  In this YouTube video, Zach Marks talks about the life-changing effects social media can have on our lives and how to be safe and smart online. Based on his comments and that of the ITSE Standards for Students and Teachers, share your views on the video and standards in no less than 300 words. Digital Citizenship After watching the video and required reading, in 300 words, reply to the discussion question by typing your response underneath the comments prompt and providing your original comment. Use at least ONE in-text citation (APA) to corroborate your points. In 100 words, respond to the posts of at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the initial response. Your first post is due on Mondays by 11:55pm. You are required to respond to your peers by Thursday at 11:55pm. 

Educational Technology (Discussion 1: ISTE)

This is a graded discussion  (25points) This discussion forum has been opened to meet the objectives of unit one and its course content: A framework for evaluating educational technology Educational Technology Standards (ISTE NETS) Technology Integration Matrix  Equity, access, social, ethical and human issues. Technology Literacy in the society  Government regulations and the implications for educational technology.   After finishing the module's required reading, in 300 words, reply to the discussion question by typing your response underneath the comments prompt and providing your original comment. Cite sources to back up your assertions. What are E ducational Technology Standards (ISTE NETS), and why are they important? Briefly explain  the ISTE standards for teachers and students.     In 100 words, respond to the posts of at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the original response. Your first post is due on Mondays by 11:55pm...