Week 2 Discussion ( Digital Citizenship)


In this YouTube video, Zach Marks talks about the life-changing effects social media can have on our lives and how to be safe and smart online. Based on his comments and that of the ITSE Standards for Students and Teachers, share your views on the video and standards in no less than 300 words.

Digital Citizenship   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VnAU2lbf2c

After watching the video and required reading, in 300 words, reply to the discussion question by typing your response underneath the comments prompt and providing your original comment. Use at least ONE in-text citation (APA) to corroborate your points.

In 100 words, respond to the posts of at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the initial response.

Your first post is due on Mondays by 11:55pm. You are required to respond to your peers by Thursday at 11:55pm. 


  1. The effective and ethical use of digital technologies by individuals, groups, and communities to develop their values, knowledge, and skills is known as digital citizenship. People change in a variety of ways when they engage in a lifetime learning process.
    Without understanding effective social involvement, it is difficult to appreciate the concept of digital citizenship. By using technology ethically, effective social interaction in the digital sphere protects human rights and dignity. According to the Council of Europe's Competences for Democratic Culture (Council of Europe, 2016), the only way to properly appreciate the relevance of digital citizenship is to acknowledge and implement its critical role in preparing young people for the future.

    The idea of digital citizenship is heavily emphasized in ISTE Standard 4 for Teachers. Students today need to learn a new set of life skills to behave properly online since there are more digital tools and opportunities than there were ten years ago. They can instantly communicate with individuals around the globe through chats, emails, blogs, social media, virtual conferences, comments, and more, even while they are seated in their classrooms. Negative interpersonal interactions like cyberbullying may occur as a result of the anonymity of the internet and the fact that many of these relationships are made with strangers, who may carry some of the same risks as meeting someone on the street.

    Parents and educators are responsible for teaching youngsters how. Similar to how a teacher would advise students on safety and manners before sending them on a field trip, children should be made aware of what is expected of them online.
    Since they have been identified as Digital Citizens under Standard 2 of ISTE for Students, they are aware of their rights, responsibilities, and opportunities to live, learn, and work in a networked digital environment. Additionally, they exhibit safe, ethical, and legal behaviour and serve as role models. Additionally, it offers them guidance on how to act online, including how to protect passwords at all times, keep personal information private, exercise caution when using photos, behave properly on social networking sites, and avoid internet "germs" like viruses, malware, and phishing scams. It also teaches children to appreciate other people's efforts.

    In line with Zack Mark's comments, it is crucial to practice good digital citizenship in this regard because people's digital footprints have a significant impact on society and social media in general. Using digital technology, we are able to learn and evaluate information so that we can live safe and sensible lives and inspire others to do the same. Additionally, exercising digital citizenship promotes cooperation and minimizes discrimination among people of various origins. By boosting analytical, interactive, and immersive learning and employing a number of elements of digital citizenship to create more unified and connected communities that are more conscious of the importance of these issues, it has the potential to change education.

    ISTE. (n.d.). https://www.iste.org/explore/ISTE-Standards-in-Action/Know-the-ISTE-Standards-for-Teachers%3A-Model-digital-citizenship#:~:text=Standard%204%20of%20the%20ISTE%20Standards%20for%20Teachers,set%20of%20life%20skills%20for%20behaving%20responsibly%20online.
    KidsAcademy.Mobi. (2022, November 1). Digital Citizenship for Kids: Activities, Games, Lessons, Rules to Teach Basic Computer Skills. KidsAcademy.mobi. https://www.kidsacademy.mobi/storytime/digital-citizenship-for-kids/#:~:text=Digital%20Citizenship%20for%20Kids%201%20Keep%20personal%20and,6%20Respect%20the%20work%20done%20by%20others%20
    Mathur, D. (2021). Digital Citizenship: Meaning, Elements And Importance. Harappa. https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/digital-citizenship/#heading_1
    Standard 2: Digital Citizen | ISTE Student Standards. (n.d.). https://iste.web.unc.edu/iste-student-standards/standard-2-digital-citizen/

    1. EXCELLENT!!! Shellika, it is clear to see that your article was well researched. I can see that you paid keen attention to the words for Zack Marks when you said, "It is crucial to practice good digital citizenship in this regard because people's digital footprints have a significant impact on society and social media in general." You highlighted the expectations that the ISTE has for the digital citizen, and you gave examples of negative interpersonal interactions that may occur and also how they can develop their values, knowledge, and skills by being a digital citizen. 

  2. (T.H.I.N.K.) Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary, and is it kind? According to Zark Marks, you should think before you post, be kind online, and treat others online like you would like to be treated in person. The World Wide Web has many benefits: social, academic, and ethical. The internet can be used for online research, playing games, shopping, entertainment, and socializing. Having the ability to access the internet, whether you are young or old, immediately makes you a digital citizen, someone whose core responsibility is to ensure that they navigate the digital universe safely and with respect. Digital citizenship goes just beyond conversations about personal responsibility. It is about being active citizens who see possibilities instead of problems and opportunities instead of risks as they curate a positive and effective digital footprint (K. Mattson).

    The ISTE Standard for Students stresses the responsibilities of the digital citizen when using the internet, responsibilities such as cultivating and managing their digital identity, engaging in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices, and managing their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security. These responsibilities are vital to the success of a digital citizen, with cyberbullies waiting to pounce and hackers that can gather all your personal information in the split of a second, which can lead to serious consequences for the user.

    Teachers and parents too have a responsibility to protect their children and students as digital citizens. According to the ISTE Standard for Teachers, they can do so by creating experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community. Mentor students in safe, legal, and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property. Model and promote the management of personal data and digital identity, and protect student data privacy.

    In conclusion, Zack Mark mentions that 25% of students report that they have experienced bullying via cellphone or the internet, so he warns against TMI, beware of oversharing, and protect your personal information. Some ways of doing so are to use privacy settings and not accept unknown friend requests. We must know that digital footprints last forever, so whatever we do via email, Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp, that information can be discovered and used against us if we are not living up to the responsibilities of a digital citizen.


    ISTE. (n.d.). ISTE. https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/digital-citizenship

    ISTE. (n.d.). https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-students

    ISTE. (n.d.-b). https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-teachers

    1. Job well done Jason.
      Your post was well put together very informative and fun. The abbreviation T.H.I.N.K has grasped my attention letting me well want to read your post. I have learnt a lot from your reading. I Like the fact that you mentioned that teachers and parents too have a responsibility to protect their children and students as digital citizens. According to the ISTE Standard for Teachers, they can do so by creating experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community. keep us the good work Jason.

    2. I just want to say a job well done Jason. You clearly took into consideration the words of Mark and explained your understanding of digital citizenship. I really enjoy reading your post especially where you mention the benefits of the world wide web and the examples you have given. I just want to say I'm now more cautious of what I put out on social media and the impact it will have on my overall well-being. The web is both positive and negative, but with a better understanding, we now can approach the internet differently. Again, a job well done!!

  3. TRIMENDOUSLY DONE!!! Jason, I must say I enjoyed reading your post it was informative, well researched and you captured your data using statistics from Zack Mark's video. My favourite part of your post is "(T.H.I.N.K.) Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary, and is it kind? According to Zack Marks, you should think before you post, be kind online, and treat others online like you would like to be treated in person. The World Wide Web has many benefits: social, academic, and ethical.'' The ISTE standards came out as it relates to digital citizenship and what it takes to be a good digital citizen re teachers and students: you also made mention of the role and responsibilities of parents based on the ISTE standard. Kudos to a job well done.

    1. Awesome job Jason! Based on your post you show understanding of the important of being a good digital citizen. Your post is very informative as well as encouraging as you have highlighted the standards from the International Society for Technology in Education for both students and teachers. The information from your post can be made useful as it will guide students, teachers, and parents on the path of becoming good digital citizens. I must commend you on highlighting the work of Zack Marks and the sentiments he shared about the internet and how we should use it carefully. I really enjoyed reading your post, keep up the good work!

    2. Great job on providing an insightful and well-structured comment! You have effectively captured the key points of the discussion on digital citizenship, highlighting the responsibilities of individuals, teachers, and parents in fostering a safe and ethical online environment. The ISTE Standards for Students emphasize the responsibilities of digital citizens, including managing their digital identity, engaging in safe and ethical behaviour, and protecting personal data and privacy. These guidelines are essential in a world where cyberbullying and privacy breaches are prevalent. Your comment encompasses the importance of thinking before posting, treating others with kindness, and being mindful of personal data and privacy. Keep up the excellent work!

  4. The information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity this is known as digital footprint. "There are several ways to ensure your digital footprint does not damage your reputation, or any future employment opportunities." Listen to Zark Marks, video I totally agree a hundred percent with what he is saying you should think and re read before you post, be kind and online, and treat others online like you would like others to treat you. In doing all these or to practice these what you can do is put yourself in the position and said, "would I like this for myself or for someone I really love".

    In general, the Internet can be used to communicate across large or small distances, share information from any place in the world.There are so much that can be benefitted from the internet than the negative person does at times. Some advantages on the Internet are online education, endless entertainment, abundant information, internet conking, cashless transactions, shopping and booking, recharges and bill payments, global Connectivity and access information or answers to almost any question in moments.

    The smart guidelines are as follows: S for safe keep personal details away from strangers. M for meet do not meet people that you do not know online unless you are with a trusted adult. For accept don't click any links that you are unsure about ask a trusted adult. In conclusion, there is almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to quickly find information, communicate with people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to music, watch videos, and much, much more. Use the internet to help and not to break.

    1. The information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity this is known as digital footprint. "There are several ways to ensure your digital footprint does not damage your reputation, or any future employment opportunities." Listen to Zark Marks, video I totally agree a hundred percent with what he is saying you should think and re read before you post, be kind and online, and treat others online like you would like others to treat you. In doing all these or to practice these what you can do is put yourself in the position and said, "would I like this for myself or for someone I really love".

      In general, the Internet can be used to communicate across large or small distances, share information from any place in the world. There are so much that can be benefitted from the internet than the negative person does at times. Some advantages on the Internet are online education, endless entertainment, abundant information, internet conking, cashless transactions, shopping and booking, recharges and bill payments, global Connectivity and access information or answers to almost any question in moments.

      The smart guidelines are as follows: S for safe keep personal details away from strangers. M for meet do not meet people that you do not know online unless you are with a trusted adult. For accept don't click any links that you are unsure about ask a trusted adult. In conclusion, there is almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to quickly find information, communicate with people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to music, watch videos, and much, much more. Use the internet to help and not to break.


      https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/digital-citizenship( ISTE N.O)


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "There are several ways to ensure your digital footprint does not damage your reputation, or any future employment opportunities." Excellent quote Segree, I love the fact that you used this to introduce your take on netiquette in the online space: your spin on the ISTE standards to bring your views across was an out of the box approach. Yes, ones actions online are indeed the "footprints" that build or dither us in present and future. Thanks for the reinforcement that, like in the physical space we too have a footprint/ trail in the victual world/reality. Once again excellent post.

    4. Let me just say a job well done Sashauna, your quote that there are several ways to ensure a digital footprint... really stands out, it is really important to be careful of what we post on social media, these comments and posts follow us everywhere. I even like the fact you mention your understanding of the ISTE standards which you brought across excellent points about the video. you also mention the smart guidelines we must follow which I believe is helpful in today's tech-savvy world. again a Job Well done!!!!

  5. After watching the video by Zach Marks, I'm now aware of how social media has a significant impact on our lives. The video highlights the need to be safe and smart online, as social media can have both positive and negative consequences. As such, it is important to adopt digital citizenship practices that align with the ISTE Standards for Students and Teachers.
    The ISTE standards are a set of guidelines developed by the International Society for Technology in Education that outline what students and teachers should know and be able to do with technology. These standards emphasize the importance of digital citizenship, which involves responsible use of technology, respectful communication, and the protection of personal information (wright & Wilson 2007).
    Zach Mark’s perspective in the video aligns with the ISTE standards. He emphasizes the need for individuals to be aware of the potential dangers of social media and take measures to protect themselves online.
    This includes being mindful of the content they post and share online and limiting the amount of personal information they provide.
    Furthermore, the video emphasizes that social media can be used positively to make connections and create opportunities.
    For instance, Zach Marks created Grom Social, a social media platform designed specifically for children, which provides a safe and positive online space for young people. This approach aligns with the ISTE standard that encourages educators to use technology to facilitate meaningful learning experiences and promote positive interactions among students.
    Overall, the video by Zach Marks highlights the importance of digital citizenship in the age of social media. By adopting responsible and respectful online behaviors, we can leverage technology to connect with others and create opportunities while minimizing risks. The ISTE standards provide a useful framework for educators and students to develop these essential skills and practices, ensuring that technology is used thoughtfully and effectively in all areas of life.
    International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (n.d.). Standards for Students. https://www.iste org/standards/for-students

    1. Your summary of the video by Zach Marks and its alignment with the ISTE standards for digital citizenship is exceptional. You have eloquently captured the key points of the video and effectively conveyed the importance of responsible and respectful online behaviors. Your analysis highlights the potential risks of social media while emphasizing the positive aspects and opportunities it can offer when used thoughtfully.

      Furthermore, your recognition of Zach Marks' creation of Grom Social as an example of using social media to provide a safe and positive online space for children showcases your understanding of the topic. You have successfully demonstrated how Zach Marks' perspective aligns with the ISTE standards and their focus on meaningful learning experiences and positive interactions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Kishanique Williams,
      I'm a firm believer that digital citizenship lessons should be given at a young age therefore our children will grow and develop the necessary skills in today’s digital world. You convincingly show how Zach Marks' advice on digital citizenship is pertinent and essential in today's age of technology. Digital citizenship education is very important to develop smart habit in our children while they are active online, and everyone involved should recognize that this is a collaborative process. Zach Marks is a wonderful illustration of how kids may pass on what they learn. The skills of digital citizenship are equally essential and necessary to have as technology itself. Children need all the assistance and information necessary to become better digital citizens, as you have plainly indicated.
      Factual, Informative, and Nicely Presented.
      Fantastic Work!

  6. Excellent post Kishanique
    I can definitely see that you have researched and put your facts together. This was a very informative and educated respond to Zach Marks video. I love how you have gawn ahead and incorporate that the ISTE standards are a set of guidelines developed by the International Society for Technology in Education that outline what students and teachers should know and be able to do with technology. These standards emphasize the importance of digital citizenship, which involves responsible use of technology, respectful communication, and the protection of personal information. I have learnt and enjoy you post keep up the good work.

  7. Kishanique, WELL DONE! It is easy for anyone to see and call the words on a screen, but when you can call those words and comprehend the message that the author is trying to bring across, that is next level. Kishanique, you have demonstrated an excellent understanding of the values and ethics that the ISTE represents for learners and teachers. Kishanique, you grasp the concept of who a digital citizen is and how they should conduct themselves online based on the content presented in Zack Marks video. Overall, informative and educational keep up the good work. 

  8. Digital Citizenship and You

    Standard 4 of the ISTE Standards for Teachers focuses on the concept of digital citizenship. . Even as they sit in their classrooms, they are able to connect with people across the globe instantaneously via chats, email, blogs, social media, virtual conferences, comments and more.This new capability brings great opportunity but also some risk. Many of these connections happen with strangers, who could potentially pose some of the same dangers as strangers they meet in the street. And the anonymous nature of the internet can make negative personal interactions, such as cyberbullying, even more likely.
     It falls on parents and educators to teach them how. Students are much more likely to understand good digital citizenship — the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use — when teachers model it on a regular basis. It is also important for all educators to spend time directly teaching and actively promoting digital citizenship.
    It also requires teachers to help students build and learn empathy, empowering them to put themselves in others’ shoes even online, promotes community-building among learners, especially as they become more curious of the digital world. The ISTE standard also requires teachers to teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital tools. That includes the basics of intellectual property and the rights that go along with it. Last, teachers help students responsibly manage their personal data to keep it as safe as possible.Overall, this requirement means teachers act as a role model that demonstrates responsible, intelligent use of digital resources.
    ISTE standards also requires every student to be a good digital citizen. This means understanding the rights and responsibilities that go along with using modern technology. Beyond that, it requires students to act ethically, legally, and safely online. It’s crucial for students to understand how their personal information works online, not to mention who has access to it. In closing, it would be very helpful as Zack Marks put it in a clearer perspective to T ..is it true, H.. is it helpful, I.. is it inspiring, N..is it necessary , K.. is it kind.

    ISTE. (n.d) ISTE https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-students

    ISTE. (n.d) ISTE https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/digital-citizenship

    1. Ms.Graham, firstly, I must commend you for highlighting the specific standard that is directly related to Digital Citizenship, “Standard 4”, this correlation assisted me greatly in gaining a clear understanding of what Digital Citizenship really entails, as well as the responsibilities of various persons. It is indeed a fact that great opportunities are almost always associated with greater risks, thus there is a need for complete responsibility, not just as students, but teachers alike. Subsequently, I think outlining that cyberbullying may be the result of improper digital usage was a strong point that made the dangers of the digital rather realm clear.

    2. Great development Elaine! I appreciated how you first highlighted how easy it is to connect with persons worldwide, the likelihood of connecting with strangers and the possible dangers that lurk, the responsibility of parents and teachers in helping children become good digital citizens, and the role of the ISTE standards in promoting good citizenship.
      “It’s crucial for students to understand how their personal information works online, not to mention who has access to it.” That statement is so true and as such, we can see the relevance in Zack Marks’ THINK approach to THINK before posting. Well done!

  9. In a YouTube video published in 2016 on Grom Social, entitled “Digital Citizenship and You” Zach Marks spoke on the benefits of social media and also how important it is to be mindful of our digital footprint, and the permanency that is associated with it. I agree with the ISTE and Zach Marks, I agree, because even though the digital world benefits students in many ways, it also is equally harmful if not handled correctly, thus, students should be monitored and protected from various situations that they may be unaware of. Monitoring the safe use of technology for students is a responsibility of the teacher, the parents, and also the students themselves. In my opinion, ignorance to the negative effects of social media may cause many mishaps and miscommunications, they may also end in severe harm. Zach also spoke on how helpful the digital world is to students, in their interactions, they may encounter individuals that wish to meet, but they must be mindful of such persons. I believe that teachers should sensitize students on the benefits and the drawbacks of being involved in the social and digital realm. If students were to be sensitized they would be better able to navigate the internet in a meaningful, and safe manner.

    (ISTE Standards | ISTE, n.d.) The ISTE Standards provide the competencies for learning, teaching, and leading in the digital age, which provides an outline for the effective use of technology in institutions worldwide. The ISTE Standards ensure that the use of technology for learning creates profitable learning experiences for all learners. ISTE standards are important because they prepare teachers to teach technology and advanced concepts in the classroom, as well as they teach students how to be responsible digital citizens. The standards also create room for better ideas to aid in the engagement of learners. The standards are vital for both teachers and students, as being knowledgeable digital citizens is a critical aspect of interacting with technology in the classroom, and in their daily activities.


    Anonymous, (2016). Standards for Students. ISTE. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-students

    Marks. Z (2016). Digital Citizenship and You. YouTube. Retrieved June 18, 2023, from https://youtu.be/2VnAU2lbf2c

    1. I definitely agree with the ISTE standards that you posted. With these standards students with develop online etiquette which will result in a much positive online space. This will decrease the negative aspects of social media one kind act at a time.

    2. Good job Mrs Edwards- Barrett. The digital world is truly a great benefit not only to students , but educators on a whole. Regardless of the many risk that we may face on a daily basis using the internet, there is still something good about utilizing the internet. Inspite of all that is happening in the digital world, we can make a difference by doing the right thing. We can create profitable learning experiences for our students in the classroom. It is also vital that we make the most of our digital world because this is where we are heading, the more we learn, it’s the more we will become digitally enabled to teach our children.

  10. “Taking responsibility for being a good digital citizen starts with you” (Marks, 2016). We use the internet to carry out a lot of our day-to-day activities, such as to do researches, connect with friends and family, for gaming, shopping and more. All that, every post and participation in online activities, becomes a part of your digital footprint. Digital footprint refers to the trail of data you leave when using the internet. This becomes a part of your history and is available for the world to see or even track. So, how are you representing yourself online?

    As technology advances, so do the techniques for abusing it. Cyber crimes such as cyberbullying and hacking, are becoming increasingly common and steadily growing. One of the duties of educators is to teach the learning community about digital citizenship so everyone can understand, address, and prevent technology abuse. According to Mark, to be a good digital citizen, we should THINK before we post, so consider, is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary, is it kind?

    Digital citizenship has become a priority for schools that see technology integration as a major teaching and learning strategy for preparing students to live and work in the 21st century. Given the advances in technology and growing access to the Internet in and outside of school, ISTE sought to redesign its standards to mirror these changes and shift from a focus on teaching with technology to using technology to learn, collaborate, lead, and empower students (Smith, 2017). The Citizen standard, focuses on how teachers and students can become digital citizens who use technology to positively contribute to society. Using the NETS to help understand how technology should be used in the curriculum and applying digital citizenship to help define students' behaviour will facilitate the development of well-rounded, technology-savvy students.

    1. Farmer, L. (2011, October). Teaching digital citizenship. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 99-104). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
    2. Hollandsworth, R., Dowdy, L., & Donovan, J. (2011). Digital citizenship in K-12: It takes a village. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 55(4).
    3. Marks. Z (2016). Digital Citizenship and You. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VnAU2lbf2c
    4. Ribble, M. S., Bailey, G. D., & Ross, T. W. (2004). Digital citizenship: Addressing appropriate technology behavior. Learning & Leading with technology, 32(1), 6.
    5. Smith, R. (2017). ISTE releases new standards for educators to maximize learning for all students using technology. Retrieved from https://www.iste.org/explore/articleDetail?articleid=1014 [Google Scholar]

    1. I like that you quoted that sentence. It is actually true and we all should be aware of what we do online. As Mark Zach stated we should be careful online because we leave our digital footprint behind. What we post or interact with it can be traced back to us. Vivid information posted.

    2. Excellent post Kayann! I must agree with you that as technology advances, so do the techniques for abusing it. In this day and age we all use the internet to make tasks easier and learning experience but there are consequences when the internet is misused, hence, we must strive to become good digital citizens to avoid serious consequences. I must commend you on highlighting the standards of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) for both students and teachers. We all are responsible to take action in our hands an become good contributors to the internet as our digital footprint is always there for others which can affect our future goals and aspirations. Again, excellent post!

    3. This was an extremely comprehensive and well-informed response to Zach
      Marks's video. I appreciate how you went above and beyond to include that the ISTE standards are a collection of rules produced by the International Society for Technology in Education that detail what students and teachers should know and be able to do with technology. These guidelines emphasize the importance of digital citizenship, which includes responsible technology use, polite communication, and personal information protection. I learned from and enjoyed your work.

  11. A good citizen starts with you. (Zark Marks) This is a very powerful statement at the start of the video. To many adults, adolescence and children are not aware of what this means. There should be more awareness to the fact after being on our computer, tablets and phone we leave behind a digital footprint and these footprints can be seen forever.

    Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical use of technology, including online behaviour, digital communication, and the understanding of digital rights and responsibilities. Digital citizenship extends just beyond discussions of individual accountability. It involves being engaged citizens who focus on opportunities rather than issues.

    Remember, your actions and words have an impact, and being a responsible digital citizen means using technology and the internet in a way that promotes positive engagement and mutual respect. The ITSE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards provide a framework for educators and students to effectively use technology for learning and promote digital citizenship. By aligning with the ITSE standards and embodying the traits of a good digital citizen, individuals can make the most of technology while promoting responsible and ethical use for themselves and others.

    Media device use is increasing year by year many other countries around the world. Social media has become part of our lives, even among children, so we need to (T.H.I.N.K.) Does it reflect truth, help, inspiration, necessity, and kindness? Zark Marks advises people to consider their posts carefully, to behave civilly online, and to treat others as they would like to be treated in person. Incorporating the principles of T.H.I.N.K. into your digital citizenship practices, you can help create a safer, more inclusive, and respectful online community.

    Digital technologies have profoundly changed childhood and adolescence. The internet and the means to access it, such as tablets and smartphones, along with social media platforms and messaging apps, have become integral to the lives of youth around the world (gdc.unicef.org) . Teachers and parents need training to teach digital skills and online safety to children. They are also crucial to helping young people assess reliable news and information sources and navigate the pressures of social media, Social media can be a powerful tool when used wisely. Being mindful of its potential effects and practicing online safety can help you make the most of your online experience while safeguarding your well-being. Schools are also an important forum for discussing cyberbullying, and anti-bullying programmes need to include online harassment. They must be at the forefront of national and global digital policies, not only to protect them from online harm but also to allow technology to help them fulfil their full potential

    People's digital footprints have a big impact on society and social media in general, therefore it is critical to practice good digital citizenship. We can learn and analyze information using digital technology, enabling us to lead responsible lives and encouraging others to do the same. Additionally, being a good digital citizen encourages collaboration and reduces prejudice against people of different origins. It has the ability to alter education by enhancing analytical, interactive, and immersive learning and utilizing a number of features of digital citizenship to create more cohesive and linked communities that are more aware of the significance of these issues.

    The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. “Growing up in a Digital World: Benefits and Risks.” UNICEF Global Development Commons, 5 May 2020, gdc.unicef.org/resource/growing-digital-world-benefits-and-risks.

    1. Good job Claudia. “A good citizen starts with you.” A very powerful statement indeed, as it goes to show that we leave footprints wherever we go. Our actions and words have long and lasting impact, no matter how simple it may be. We have to take responsibility for what we do and say on the internet. Being a responsible digital citizen means using technology and the internet in a mature and safe way. We have to be mindful of the legacy that we leave behind whether it be good or bad. Let’s all be kind digital citizens and create a safer , more inclusive and respectful online community.

    2. Great post Claudia. I must say very informative. I agree that a good citizen starts with us. Therefore, all of us has a part to play in what we post on the internet because our actions and words have been impacted. Teachers and parents need training to teach the digital skill and online safety to children.

    3. Claudia Artwell,
      It may not seem so, but thinking clearly and critically is at the heart of any form of digital citizenship. That’s actually a worthwhile topic for another post entirely, but for now, consider that thinking critically about the things you read online especially sensationalized headlines and other misleading or conflicting content meant to trigger an emotional response in readers, is good digital citizenship 101. you elaborate on how Zack Marks advises people to consider their posts carefully, to behave civilly online, and to treat others as they would like to be treated in person. Incorporating the principles of T.H.I.N.K. into your digital citizenship practices, will show our maturity as digital citizens.

      Great job educationally sensational

    4. You have put together a very intelligent and well-structured comment! You have well
      captured the essential themes of the digital citizenship conversation, emphasizing the roles of individuals, teachers, and parents in building a secure and ethical online environment. The ISTE Standards for Students highlight digital citizens' duties, such as maintaining their digital identity, engaging in safe and ethical behavior, and protecting personal data and privacy. These standards are critical in a society where cyberbullying and privacy violations are common. Your response emphasizes the necessity of thinking before posting, being kind to others, and being cautious of personal data and privacy. Keep up the good job!

  12. The internet is a fun tool and a great way to connect with other people, share information, for entertainment, socializing, and many other things that could be beneficial for us. But, like anything, there are serious consequences in using the internet for the wrong purposes. According to Zack Marks, founder of Gram Social “THINK, is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary and is it kind, is an acronym that we can use to become good digital citizens. We should all think before we post and always remember to be kind” (Marks, 2015).

    According to The International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) “The Student Standards emphasize the skills and qualities we want for our students, enabling them to engage and thrive in a connected, digital world. Students are expected to use the internet reponsibly in order to achieve foundational technology skills to fully apply the standards and become good digital citizens” (ISTE, 2017). A good digital citizen will encourage positive and healthy interactions online, maintaining awareness of common online scams or toxic behavior. According to Zacks Marks “25% of students report that that have experienced cyber-bulling by cell phone or the internet” (Marks, 2017). Students who practice good digital citizenship will most likely avoid cyberbullying on social media or other digital platforms, focusing on empathy when interacting with others online.

    Educators and parents have an important role to play when it comes to teaching students about digital citizenship. According to ISTE “Teachers should emphasis the importance of online etiquette, teach students to protect their privacy, help students to stay safe online, promote media literacy in the classroom, teach students to protect creative rights, show students their digital footprint and build healthy usage patterns” (ISTE, 2017). According to learnsafe.com “It is important for educators and parents to help children understand the importance of being good digital citizen to avoid the risk of sharing unsuitable content, accidentally disclosing their personal data, illegal downloads, file sharing, spyware, viruses, and cyber bullying” (Learnsafe.com, 2021).

    In conclusion, we should be mindful of how we use the internet. Although beneficial, the internet cam be a dark place if not used positively. We all should make it our priority to use the internet responsibly and become good digital citizens.

    1. Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who use computers the internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level.

      Bad digital citizenship, on the other hand entails cyberbullying, irresponsible social media usage, and a general lack ok knowledge about how to safely use the internet. Good digital citizenship for students engages them how to connect with one another, empathize with another, and create lasting relationships through digital tools. Fortunately, almost all the requirements to be a good digital citizen can be taught in the classroom. As the rate of technology advancement continues to increase, the world is becoming more dependent on the internet for day- to- day activities. That makes this a crucial topic to teach today's students. In the ISTE Standards teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and teaching technology to facilitate experiences that advance students learning.

      As mentioned in the video digital footprint refer to the recording of all your interactions online. Once something is posted or shared online, it can be there forever. Understanding your digital footprint helps you choose and control what you leave online for others to find.
      In conclusion, it is important that we choose what we put on the internet because what is posted or shared online, will be there forever

      Zook. c. 2022 March 8 What is digital citizenship
      https://www.aeseducation.com/blog/what is digital citizenship

    2. Good research Dana you had mentioned that the internet is a fun tool and it’s a way to interact and connect with other people. However you also explained that the internet is very risky and there are consequences in using the internet in the wrong way which I totally in agreement with you. In this digital age a lot of unsafe and unbecoming behavior we had encountered by others saying mean things about someone else, which led to bullying and treats. So when using the internet as an educator we should instill in our students safety when browsing the internet.

    3. Peaches I must applaud you for clear information on digital citizenship. I love the fact that you explained what a good and bad citizenship are. We all know a good digital citizens are the one who knows what is right from wrong, and displays intelligent technology behavior as well as respect others beliefs and values. On the other hand bad digital citizens are the ones who bully others and make mean comments and has no respect for others, you further mentioned digital citizenship should be a crucial topic to teach today’s students which definitely stood out for me and totally in agreement with.

  13. Zack’s video has widened our knowledge about digital footprints, digital foot prints it consists personal data traces that you leave behind every time you interact on the internet. Having a digital footprint is part of modern life. This, however, doesn’t mean that we should leave unnecessary data behind that can expose us to digital risks. Minimize your online risks by keeping a small digital footprint.

    ISTE standards for teachers and students is one of the most important reasons to teach digital citizenship to students is to help them understand and engage in practices that help improve their digital safety. The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. This means students are entering a world where they can expect to be regularly exposed to situations that can compromise their personal information and put them at risk for innumerable threats.
    Digital citizenship teaches students what information is safe to share and in what situations and how to protect their information in unsafe situations. It also teaches students how to interact safely with others and with content online and how to identify threats if and when they arise.

    Technology plays an integral role in our lives and we have the responsibility to teach, model, and practice responsible and respectful digital citizenship. Not everyone is educated about what constitutes good digital citizenship. As educators we have a powerful opportunity to teach and model the characteristics that will guide our students to successfully engage and interact both online and off.

    According to Ribble (2017) outlined nine elements of digital citizenship: access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights and responsibilities, health and wellness and security. Within our classroom we can provide a safe about environment for students to practice these skills while developing as digital citizens.

    Ribble, M. (2017). Digital citizenship: use technology appropriately

  14. Ms. Barrett, I found it rather enlightening that you shared with us a concise, yet impactful definition of the term “Digital Citizenship”, as I humbly agree that it is the responsible, ethical, and safe use of technology, and the internet. I also believe in your statement which made mention of the fact that technology has both benefits and challenges, and knowing how to properly traverse the internet is vital as a digital citizen. Your reiteration of the THINK analogy used by Zach marks was also instrumental which indicates that individuals should be mindful of the material they choose to interact with online.

  15. Very informative post Lenksheena! Thank you for clearly defining digital citizenship and the need to be good digital citizens.
    I was fond of the statement made that “without a doubt, social media platforms have had a huge impact on our lives, bringing both opportunities and challenges”. This is so true as media platforms have served its purpose and have provided many benefits, but can create problems for us if and when misused.
    I was also helped to understand the ISTE’s role in promoting and encouraging good citizenship. Great job!


    What is digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone uses computers, the internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. (Chris Zook, 2023).

    The International society for Technology in Education (ISTE) are standards to guide children to use the best practices when active online. The ISTE standards have been used for over 20 years by many countries all over the world. The ISTE standards for students describe comparative skills and knowledge students need to be productive in an increasingly demanding digital society.

    Zach marks, creator of Grom social, on YouTube, explains that children need to know the importance of digital foot print and how preventative measure, self-control while navigating online content, and protecting themselves and other online. Utilizing this knowledge about digital food print, children will be better equipped to conduct this following digital process with little to no harmful exposure of valuable information.

    Here are some standards that will help you become better digital citizen: Digital Commence- purchase online, using digital currencies, making online payment and card management. Digital Downtime- keeping a balance with virtual reality and human interaction. Digital etiquette- it is important that children know to treat people with respect online and also respect themselves. Digital Integrity- children need to learn to examine the source of online information and to also use this information wisely. Digital Literacy- teach children that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably a scam. Educate them about whom to go to when something suspicious is happening online. Digital Privacy- teaching children that using privacy settings on their device and not unenabled the security privacy on libraries and school devices is important. Giving out location and pre-informing person on your social media about your upcoming whereabouts is putting them at high risks of premeditated treats. Digital responsibility – teaching children to report and not participate in cyber bulling, abusive behaviour, and inappropriate content. Digital security- teach children to use strong use multifactor authentication passwords.
    All these standards are skills that will help our children become better digital citizen and also to create and maintain a digital foot print that is safe for themselves and others.
    REMEMBER, digital citizenship is OUR responsibility. Therefore, T.H.I.N.K before you click

    AGParts Education.(2021). 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship.

    TechTarget Contributor.(2019, December). Digital Citizenship.
    which%20one%20is%20a%20member. [google.com]

  17. According to (Zook, 2022) Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. As the rate of technological innovation continues to accelerate, the world's reliance on the Internet for day-to-day operations grows. As a result, teaching this issue and its safety to today's pupils is critical.
    Standard 4 of the ISTE for Teachers places a strong emphasis on the concept of digital citizenship. Students today must master a new set of life skills in order to behave appropriately online, as there are more digital tools and chances than the era before this current one. Even from home, we can communicate with people from all over the world via chats, emails, blogs, social media, virtual conferences, comments, and other means. Negative interpersonal interactions, such as cyberbullying, may develop as a result of the internet's anonymity and the fact that many of these relationships are formed with strangers, who may pose some of the same risks as meeting someone on the street.
    Good digital citizenship engages students and teaches them how to connect with one another, empathize with one another, and build enduring relationships through digital tools.
    Zack Mark's talked about Bad digital citizenship, and making digital footprints, as they are left forever, and that on the other hand, entails cyberbullying, irresponsible social media usage, and a general lack of knowledge about how to safely use the Internet. Because you never know when someone will follow the digital trails that you left behind. Be careful to leave prints that you want followed later on in life. The best way to leave good digital footprints, is to exercise and ( T.H.I.N.K.) Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary, and is it kind. If you next, post, chat, comment, podcast, or even simple text does not follow or meet those standards, you may want to rethink you wording or simply don’t make that post at all. Being good digital citizens is everyone’s responsibility.
    Zook, C. (2022, October 21). What is digital citizenship & how do you teach it? CTE Curriculum for Middle and High School Teachers | AES Education. https://www.aeseducation.com/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship


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